I participate in art museum and gallery events to speak to how contemporary artists engage politics across the Global South.

I have done past events for The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery in Toronto and the Mini-Gallery of Underground Anticulture with locations in Minsk and Kiev.

I am continuing the work of public education through the museum space as the J. Clawson Mills Scholar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, conducting  research on feminist painters from Pakistan who opposed the military dictatorship of General Zia ul Haq (1977-1988).

Please contact me at for museum or gallery speaking engagements.


In addition to my involvement in the arts, I also work with various community organizations. I am a member of the Toronto chapter of Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa (GRILA) a bilingual (French & English) network of Pan-African intellectuals from Africa and the diaspora committed to strengthening relationships among Pan-African intellectuals, fostering popular education on anti-imperialism and Pan-African thought, and advocating for African unity and emancipation.

In addition to my work with GRILA, I have collaborated on various events and campaigns with the Jamhoor Collective, Roshni, and the Committee for Progressive Pakistani Canadians.